We get the question a lot: You offer pre-designed homes, but my company mainly does custom homes, how can AREI subscription benefit me?
Here are just a few reasons why we’re certain we can help you out.
We offer complete custom house designs at a competitive price
As qualified building designers with 30+ years’ experience, we cut our teeth on custom house designs. They are also the designs we most love creating! From our most affordable basic preliminary and construction drawing sets, through to 3D rendered concept plans, construction drawings and specification, we can give your clients the fair dinkum custom experience they’re after. It’s up to you and your client what you choose.
Our pre-designed floor plans can be the starting point for every custom design you build
Apart from the clients who approach you with architect designed plans, few clients approach their builder with an extremely detailed sketch. They want to sit there with you/your designer and piece together their dream home. They do this by looking at existing designs, and basically ‘selecting’ the pieces they like. Having our extensive
range of plans on hand, makes this process simpler and more exciting for them. And you never know, they may just fall in love with one of our designs, which means less drafting + designing time and expense for you both! #Winning
Our goal is to generate website leads for your business
Having an attractive and comprehensive range of plans on your website is a great way to attract traffic. When implemented correctly, (">send us an email and we can show you some great examples) you are more likely to appear in Google searches, and more likely to receive enquiries from the website visits you receive. Having a great range of plans means that your business looks more professional, and helps you to compete with the ‘big guys’.
We help you with social media growth
Let’s not forget the social media help we provide. Social media is such a large part of creating a successful business these days! We’ll there with you every step of the way, cross promoting, sharing your current projects and
letting our follower base know all about your business. Check out our Instagram Page here.
Curious to learn more?